Trotwood Mayor Celebrates Black History Month at URS

Dayton Ohio – Mayor Mary McDonald will celebrate Black History Month by reading to the adult and seniors with disabilities at United Rehabilitation Services (URS) on Friday, February 22nd at Noon. The children in URS’ Early Childhood Education Programs and...
Disability in History: U.S. Presidents

Disability in History: U.S. Presidents

Original Post:  If you think that Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the only United States president with a disability, think again. Our nation has had a distinguished line of presidents with a variety of...

New Emojis Include People with Disabilities

by Shaun Heasley | February 6, 2019 At the urging of Apple, new emoji representing the experiences of people with disabilities are being adopted. (Emojipedia) A dozen icons depicting the experiences of people with disabilities are coming to smartphones and other...